Thursday, July 12, 2018

Ilvermorny House Information

Hai ppl!

I said in a previous post that I would be doing a post on Ilvermorny houses. For those of you who haven't seen Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Ilvermorny is the American wizarding school. Even though I'd rather go to Hogwarts, I took the Ilvermorny sorting quiz and got Thunderbird. Again, thanks to Harry Potter Wikia for giving me most of the info!
     Here we go!

-Founder: Chadwick Boot
-Animal: Thunderbird
-Element: Soul
-Traits: Represents the soul, favors adventurers.
-Hogwarts Equivalent: Gryffindor

-Founder: James Stewart
-Animal: Pukwudgie
-Element: Heart
-Traits: Represents the heart, favors healers.
-Hogwarts Equivalent: Hufflepuff

Horned Serpent:
-Founder: Isolt Sayre
-Animal: Horned Serpent
-Element: Mind
-Traits: Represents the mind, favors scholars
-Hogwarts Equivalent: Ravenclaw

-Founder: Webster Boot
-Animal: Wampus cat
-Element: Body
-Traits: Represents the body, favors warriors
-Hogwarts Equivalent: Slytherin

That's all I have for you guys today. Mischief Managed!

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