Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Hogwarts Houses Based on your Zodiac Sign

Hai ppl!
  Today's post will be focusing on your Zodiac Sign and your Hogwarts House. If you don't know what your Zodiac sign is, click here. For one thing, I'm a Capricorn, so #goatarmy

Alrighty, let's get started!

Aquarius (friendly, practical, dependable): Hufflepuff

Pisces (selfless, empathetic, creative): Hufflepuff

Aries (independent, excited, upbeat): Gryffindor

Taurus (practical, reliable, positive): Ravenclaw

Gemini (sociable, indecisive, serious): Slytherin (don't freak out; it's not a bad thing)

Cancer (loyal, creative, sometimes pessimistic): Hufflepuff

Leo (admirable, warm, determined): Gryffindor

Virgo (skeptical, observant, helpful): Ravenclaw

Libra (kind, gentle, indecisive): Hufflepuff

Scorpio (passionate, loyal, dedicated): Gryffindor

Sagittarius (inquisitive, independent, vibrant): Ravenclaw

Capricorn (conservative, ambitious, determined): Gryffindor

That's all for today. Mischief Managed!


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