Monday, July 30, 2018

Disney Bounding: Simple Yet Effective

Hai ppl!

   At the Disney Parks, Halloween is a fun time for kids to dress up and do trick-or-treating. However, people over the age of fourteen should not wear costumes. However, there's a solution to this: Disney Bounding!
   Disney Bounding is when you make an outfit that resembles a Disney character. A few key things to remember when planning your outfit are the character's color palette, as well as wearing something that has an object that relates to that character. 
  Disney Bounds are also used at Dapper Day, an event at Disneyland where more formal attire is encouraged. 
   Below are pictures for Dapper Day DB's. Try and guess which characters these guys are supposed to be!

And here are some DB's for any occasion!

That's all I got for today. See ya real soon!

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